Legal notice
Genealogia badenia e.K.
Internationale Erbenermittlung
Philipp Steinhoff M.A.
Prägenhofstraße 2
79256 Buchenbach
Telephone 49 (0)7661 – 90 74 23
Fax 49 (0)7661 – 90 71 367
HRA 703432, Amtsgericht Freiburg i. Br.
Dispute settlement
The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution (OS plat-form), which can be accessed at:
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration body.
Photo Credits:
Probate research - © Marco2811 / (#49027262 - Erbe;
Global identification place of residence - © Anhees / (#20568261 -Stapel alter Fotos IV;
Emigration research - © Antonio Gravante / (#31420005; Attessa alla stazione;
Procurement of documents - © Goldpix / (#203500029; alte antike Urkunde, Besitzurkunde 1850;
Family resaarch - © Udo Kruse/ (#39548004; Alter Brief (1857) mit alten Fotos und Brille;
Repatriation of unclaimed assets - © RomanR #233966015 Adobe Stock
Personal details - © Conny Ehm Photography, Talstraße 4, 79102 Freiburg, Germany
Adobe Stock:
©Christophe Fouquin #27306930, © Alex from the Rock #332098489,
©fizkes #350230749, ©Sinnlichtarts #118533407
Referrals and Links
With the judgment of the 12th of May 1998 - 312 O 85/98 - "Liability for Links" Landgericht (LG) Hamburg determined that, by including an external link, the operator of a website is responsible for the for the content of linked pages.
Direct or indirect referrals to other websites (hyperlinks) which are outside of the author's scopre of responsibility are only covered by liability insurance if the author had knowledge of the content of these links and if he was technically and reasonably capable to prevent the use of the illegal content.
The author hereby explictly declares that, at the times the links were established, he had no knowledge of any illegal content on the links listed herein. The author has no influence on the current and future design, content or authorship of the links/referrals contained herein. He explictly distances himself from all content of all links/referrals which were changed after the lins were established. This state-ment applies to all links and referrals contained on his own website. The owner of the web link alone, and not the person who provides the link to the respective publication, is liable for any illegal, faulty or incomplete content and particulary damages which arise from the use or non use of such infor-mation.
We hereby disassionate ourselves from the contents of all linked pages on This declaration applies to all links placed on our website.
Content of the website
The contents of the websites have been compiled with utmost care . It is expressly understood, however, that the description of services found herein does not constitute legal advise in any way. All information contained on the website is to be used by the visitor only as an information source. However, we assume no liability for being correct, complete and/or up-to-date.
Liability claims, which refer to damages of material or immaterial nature, caused by use or disuse of the presented information or by the use of faulty and incomplete information are generally excluded, provided that the Genealogia badenia e.K. has not demonstrated intentional or grossly negligent fault.
All offers are nonbinding and without obligation.
Genealogia badenia e.K. expressly reserves the right to change parts of the website , or to change the online offer without separate announcement to, or delete or cease published content temporarily or permanently.
External cross-references
Despite careful control we assume no liability for external links. Providers or operators of such web-sites linked to our site are responsible for their sites.
Copyright (Copyright - Philipp Steinhoff)
The online documents and websites provided are copyrighted material. A third party may not use texts and/or contents, including graphics and pictures of this website for commercial purposes in databases of any type . This also includes the duplication on servers, data storage , as well as social networks. Any acquisition and use of data for other purposes requires the written consent of Genealogia badenia e.K.
Liability Insurance
Our property damage liability insurance is provided by ERGO Versicherung -AG.
Victoria Platz 1
40477 Duesseldorf
Sum insured is € 100,000.00 per occurrence , maximum € 200,000.00 per calendar year.
The geographical scope of the insurance coverage includes all European countries.
The Legal notice is also valid for the following social media profiles:
Responsible for content: Philipp Steinhoff